Make Beats Not Beat Downs is a non-profit uprising dedicated to presenting alternative help to bullies & the bullied youth through all aspects of art, music & education. Through partnering up with some of the most talented musicians, teachers, students and parents nation wide, we vow to make sure that bully victims have a voice. MBNBD and these dedicated people are here to say, “We, like you, have had enough. We’re going to stand up for you. We’re going to stand up for each other. Who’s with us?” Make Beats Not Beat Downs will focus in on youth helping youth. MBNBD knows that every kid, every young adult, has the ability to be empathetic with their peers. This is about kids becoming their own movement in their own communities. It is amazing what can happen when one person stands up for another person. We have seen it through history, these small uprisings that change the face of nations. This is that uprising. Through music we will create a sound for a voice unheard.